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时间:2024-08-17 15:19:21

两个词造一个句子热心网友:欣赏一种文化的视角是不同的,这就所谓因地制宜 ,不同的地方有不同的文化背景~热心网友:1.In the spirit of that, all provi

热心网友:欣赏一种文化的视角是不同的,这就所谓因地制宜 ,不同的地方有不同的文化背景~

热心网友:1.In the spirit of that, all provinces have made development plan of the 3rd period according to local situation so as to push "Learning and Competing Campaign" forward under the developing circumstances. 目前各地都在积极贯彻“意见”精神,因地制宜制定“双学双比”第三周期发展规划,推动“双学双比”活动在新形势下迈出新步伐。?来源: dj.iciba.com2.Suit our measures to differing conditions in terms of locality, time, issue and persons involved 因地制宜,因时制宜,因事制宜,因人制宜来源: dj.iciba.com3.If we let the part, the local authorities and consideration of local conditions play the leading role, we shall make mistakes of principle. 如果把局部、地方、因地制宜作主导,那就要犯原则错误。来源: dj.iciba.com4.Proceed in the light of local conditions and in accordance with a rational division of labor, with all the regions exploiting their own parricular advantages for mutual benefit and development 因地制宜,合理分工,各展所长,优势互补,共同发展的原则来源: dj.iciba.com5.The fifth principle includes positioning on local conditions, prioritizing key issues, holistic planning and step-by-step implementation. 第五,坚持“因地制宜、突出重点,全面规划、分步实施”的原则。来源: dj.iciba.com6.In readjusting the agricultural structure, the government took a flexible approach in light of local conditions, refrained from dictating orders and respected the wishes of farmers. 在农业结构调整中,坚持因地制宜,不搞行政命令,尊重农民意愿。来源: dj.iciba.com7.In some areas, measures adaptable to local conditions have also been taken to supervise and help addicts become rehabilitated through mass organizations and organizations at the grassroots level. 一些地区还因地制宜,采取了基层组织、社会团体监督帮助吸毒人员戒毒的做法。来源: dj.iciba.com8.This problem manifests itself not only in the matter of determining the organizational forms of collectivization. It also is apparent when it comes to developing production suited to local conditions. 除表现在集体化的组织形式这方面外,还有因地制宜发展生产的问题。来源: dj.iciba.com9.In accordance with local conditions, Tibet has steadfastly pressed ahead with construction of hydropower stations and worked hard to exploit geothermal energy resources and popularize the use of solar and wind energy. 西藏坚持因地制宜,积极发展水电站建设,推广利用地热能、太阳能及风能。来源: dj.iciba.com10.They should organize units and residents within flood control areas to actively take part in flood control work and take measures for flood control and flood evasion in the light of local conditions. 组织防洪区内的单位和居民积极参加防洪工作,因地制宜地采取防洪避洪措施。来源: dj.iciba.com

热心网友:1. concerning or characterized by an appreciation of beauty or good taste. 关于欣赏美的,以欣赏美或者以有好的品位为特点的。 来源: dj.iciba.com 2. I like to sit by the window so that I can enjoy the landscape outside. 我喜欢坐在窗口的座位以便可以欣赏到外的景色。 来源: dj.iciba.com 3. She stepped up to a better view of the mountain. 上登了几步,以便更好地欣赏那山景。 来源: dj.iciba.com 4. I'm afraid so, but you'll have all that good entertainment to enjoy. 恐怕是那样的,但是您可以欣赏到很好的娱乐节目。 来源: dj.iciba.com 5. I'd prefer an aisle seat so that I can enjoy the pretty sights during the journey. 我想要个靠窗的座位,好欣赏沿途的美景。 来源: dj.iciba.com 6. We would like a table by the window so that we can enjoy the view of the lake. 我们想坐在窗户旁边,这样好欣赏外面湖上的景色。 来源: dj.iciba.com 7. we all need to give and receive love,appreciation,and emotional support. 我们都需要爱人和被人爱,需要相互欣赏,需要情感上互相支持。 来源: dj.iciba.com 8. RULE 1:Appreciate the Person Most Americans like to be recognized as individuals as someone special with unique characteristics and personalities. 规则1:欣赏他人大多数美国人喜欢被人看作一个有着独特个性和特点的人。 来源: dj.iciba.com 9. I tied it with fuzzy white yarn, and admired my work. 我用毛茸茸的白纱线把它系好,欣赏着我的杰作。 来源: dj.iciba.com 10. Let's go upstairs on the top deck: you can see london much better. 咱们向顶层甲板上吧:从那儿你能更好地欣赏伦敦美景。 来源: dj.iciba.com
