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时间:2024-08-17 09:52:04

浪漫的罗伊当即向玛拉求婚。 两人的对话 Myra,what do you think
we're going to do

【专家解说】:雨中相会时, 浪漫的罗伊当即向玛拉求婚。 两人的对话 Myra,what do you think we're going to do today? 玛拉,你认为我们今天该干什麽? Well,I...I... 我。。。我。。。 Oh,you won't have time for that! 现在你没有时间这样啦! For what? 哪样? For hesitating. 这样犹豫! No more hesitating for you. 你不能再犹豫啦! No? 不能吗? No. 不能。 Well,what am I going to do instead? 那我该干什麽呢? You're going to get married. 去跟我结婚。 Oh,Roy,you must be mad! 哦,罗伊,你疯了吧? I know it!Marvelous sensation! 我知道我疯了。这是奇妙的感觉。 Oh,Roy,do be sensible. 哦,罗伊,千万理智些。 Not me! 我才不呢! But you don't know me! 可你还不了解我呀! Then I'll discover you. Spend the rest of my life doing it. 那我就用我的一生去了解你。 Oh,Roy,this is wartime. 现在是战争时期。 It's...it's because you're leaving so soon, 你只是,只是因为快要离开。。。 because you feel that 因为你觉得 you must spend the whole of your life in forty-eight hours. 你要在48小时内活完你整个的一生。 We're going to be married. 我们现在就去结婚! It's you. 就是你,没错。 It'll never be anyone else. 别的人我永远都不要。 But how can yu tell that? 可你怎麽能这样肯定? Now listen,darling. 好啦,亲爱的。 None of your quibbling! 你不许再这样支支吾吾啦! None of your questioning! 不许再问了! None of your doubts! 不许再怀疑了! This is positive,you see? 这是绝对的,知道吗? This is affirmative,you see? 这是肯定的,知道吗? This is final,yu see? 就这样决定了,你知道吗? You're going to marry me,you see? 你必须和我结婚,知道吗? I see. 我知道了。 Waterloo Bridge《魂断蓝桥》 'I loved you. I never shall. That's the truth, Roy. I never shall.' ‘我爱你,从未爱过别人,永远不会,这是真的,罗伊,永远不会。’ 背景:已是暮年的罗伊倚在滑铁卢大桥的栏杆上忆起已随风而逝的玛拉。两个信守爱情承诺的年轻人最后却只能生死相望。 下面网址还有很多,你自己看吧,我复制后审查好久不刷新,大概太长了. 参考资料:http://www.for68.com/new/2006/8/ji1680464741221860029844-0.htm