时间:2024-08-17 09:11:20
求一篇短点的,简单的英语演讲稿【专家解说】:Dear students: You want in a tree-lined, Jade where you live? You wa
【专家解说】:Dear students: You want in a tree-lined, Jade where you live? You want a beautiful environment, vibrant talent on campus it? You want bright and clean, warm home, such as the classroom to learn it? When we in the tree-lined walk through the campus, we will feel relaxed and happy; when we are in the classroom bright and clean school, how can not concentrate? When we clean and elegant environment to learn, will feel more comfortable. Classrooms, we are learning important places. Health classroom will have a direct impact on teachers and students work, study and living, at the same time, the classroom is also an environmental health an important indicator of the degree of civilization, the school is good or bad image of the visual impact of factors. However, in our classroom, as some students have food brought into the classroom, the classroom desk drawer with scattered students to leave the shell seeds, candy wrappers, plastic bottles. As well as to make garbage generated in the classroom full of the smell in the air, raised likelihood Looking back, it flies in the junk drawer, please bring out the garbage outside the classroom, you take away the rubbish left behind is clean. You dropped the dirty, but picked up the character. Please be returned to the classroom that‘s a long time ... clean ... thank you ! 中文意思: 亲爱的同学们: 你想在一个绿树成荫,鸟语花香的地方生活吗? 你想在一个环境优美,充满生机的校园成才吗? 你想在窗明几净,温馨如家的教室里学习吗? 当我们在绿树成荫的校园中漫步时,一定会感到心旷神怡;当我们在窗明几净的教室中读书时,哪能不全神贯注?当我们在整洁优雅的环境中学习时,定会倍感心情舒畅。优美的环境让我们懂得珍惜,学会爱护;优美的环境,让我们知书达礼,更加文明;优美的环境,让我们学习进步,道德高尚;优美的环境让我们学会谦让,学会做人。在优美的环境中,我们沐浴着阳光,吸取着营养。我们满怀激情,畅想未来。 教室,是我们学习工作的重要场所。教室卫生的好坏直接影响到老师和同学们的工作、学习和生活,同时,教室环境卫生也是一个文明程度的重要标志,是学校对外形象好坏的直观影响因素。
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