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求一篇关于地热能应用的用英语作文 120字左右

时间:2024-08-17 08:13:44

求一篇关于地热能应用的用英语作文 120字左右【专家解说】:A variety of applications have been developed for geothermal

【专家解说】:A variety of applications have been developed for geothermalenergy. For example, public buildings, residential dwellings, andgreenhouses in such areas as Reykjavík, Ice., are heated with waterpumped from hot springs and geothermal wells. Hot water from suchsources also is used for heating soil to increase crop production (e.g., in Oregon) and for seasoning lumber (e.g.,in parts of New Zealand). The most significant application ofgeothermal energy, however, is the generation of electricity. The firstgeothermal power station began operation in Larderello, Italy, in theearly 1900s. Since then similar facilities have been built in variouscountries, including Iceland, Japan, Mexico, New Zealand, Turkey, theTibet Autonomous Region of China, and the United States. In most casesturbines are driven with steam separated from superheated water tappedfrom underground geothermal reservoirs and geysers.