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时间:2024-08-17 14:24:34


【专家解说】:大锻件具有载荷大、工作条件差、安全可靠性要求高等特点,而钢铁冶金过程决定了钢锭内部不可避免地会存在空洞,内部空洞的存在将严重影响大锻件的性能。近来,随着能源的日益紧张和大型工业的快速发展,特别是电力、冶金、造船、核能和航天等重大工程和装备对相关核心零件的高质量、高性能的要求,大锻件内部缺陷的相关研究开始得到高度重视。 CHAABAN和ALEXANDER[1]、任猛[2]和任广升等[3]通过实验研究了空洞位置、砧宽比和压下率对大锻件内部空洞闭合的影响,发现锻件内部不同位置空洞闭合情况并不相同,而砧宽比和压下率是对空洞闭合有重要影响的两个工艺参数。STÅHLBERG等[4-6]、WALLERÖ[7]和TANAKA等[8]的理论分析和实验研究表明,大锻件材料属性和空洞周围的应力应变状态对空洞闭合均有影响。崔振山等[9]运用有限元法分析了不同形状和大小的空洞闭合情况。这些研究虽然给出了一些定性结论[1-14],但是都不能很好地揭示材料属性和工艺参数对空洞闭合的影响机理,没有建立空洞周围应力应变状态 与空洞闭合的定量关系,没有提出有效的空洞闭合判定准则。 参 考 文 献 [1] CHAABAN M A and ALEXANDER J M. A study of the closure of cavities in swing forging [C]// TOBIAS S A ed. International Machine Tool Design and Research Conference. Proceedings of the 17th International Machine Tool Design and Research Conference, September 20-24, 1976, Birmingham. Macmillan, London, 1977:633-645. [2] 任猛. 大型钢锭内部孔洞性缺陷锻合过程的数值模拟和实验研究[D]. 北京:清华大学. 1986. REN Meng. Numerical simulation and experimental investigation of the void closing in a large ingot during forging processes [D]. Beijing: Tsinghua University, 1986. [3] 任广升,黄朝晖,白志斌. 大型钢锭内部孔洞性缺陷锻合过程的数值模拟和实验研究[J]. 机械工程学报, 1995, 31 (2):93 98. REN Guangsheng, HUANG Zhaohui, BAI Zhibin. Experimental investigation of strain distribution in cylinder model with void in the center during upset processes by photoplastic simulation [J]. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 1995, 31(2):93-98. [4] STÅHLBERG U, KEIFE H, LUNDBERG M, et al. A study of void closure during plastic deformation [J]. J. Mech. Work. Technol. 1980, 4:51-63. [5] STÅHLBERG U. Influence of spread and stress on the closure of a central longitudinal hole in the hot rolling of steel [J]. J. Mech. Work. Technol. 1986, 13:65-81. [6] KEIFE H, STÅHLBERG U. Influence of pressure on the closure of voids during plastic deformation [J]. J. Mech. Work. Technol. 1980, 4: 133-143. [7] WALLERÖ A. Closing of a central longitudinal pore in hot rolling [J]. J. Mech. Work. Technol. 1985, 12:233-242. [8] TANAKA M, ONO S, TSUNENO M. Factors contributing to crushing of voids during forging [J]. J. Jpn. Soci. Technol. Plast. 1986, 27:927-934. [9] 崔振山, 任广升, 徐秉业, 等. 圆柱体内部空洞的热锻闭合条件[J]. 清华大学学报, 2003, 43(2):227-229, 233. CUI Zhenshan, REN Guangsheng, XU Bingye, et al. Void closing conditions for solid cylinders during hot forging [J]. J. Tsinghua Univ., 2003, 43(2):227-229, 233. [10] 孙捷先,郭会光. FM锻造法的试验与有限元分析研究[J].机械工程学报, 1986, 22(4):47-55. [11] HAMZAH S, STÅHLBERG U. A new pore closure concept for the manufacturing of heavy rings [J]. J. Mater. Process. Technol. 2001, 110:324-333. [12] 马庆贤, 钟约先, 曹起骧. 高温塑性加工过程中缺陷修复规律[J]. 清华大学学报, 1999, 39(11):94-96. MA Qingxian, ZHONG Yuexian, CAO Qixiang. Principle of internal defects recovery in processes of high temperature plastic deformation [J]. J. Tsinghua Univ., 1999, 39(11):94-96. [13] 金宁. 大锻件孔隙性缺陷的压合与焊合规律的研究及高温栅的研究[D]. 北京:清华大学. 1990. JIN Ning. Investigation of collapse and welding law of cavities and porous defects in large forgings, and development of high temperature Moire grids [D]. Beijing:Tsinghua University, 1990. [14] 任运来. 大型锻件内部缺陷修复条件和修复方法研究[D]. 秦皇岛:燕山大学. 2003. REN Yunlai. Study on healing condition and method of internal defect of large forgings [D]. Qinhuangdao:Yanshan University, 2003.