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时间:2024-08-17 13:33:25

求汽车论文结尾的英文文献【专家解说】:看看这个行吗,因为我也在找这方面的,呵呵,大家一起找吧,人多力量大哦。 [中英译文-外文资料]汽车依赖性对经济发展的影响

【专家解说】:看看这个行吗,因为我也在找这方面的,呵呵,大家一起找吧,人多力量大哦。 [中英译文-外文资料]汽车依赖性对经济发展的影响 Automobile Dependency and Economic Development http://www.maomaoxue.com/soft/sort06/sort015/Information-424.html Economic Development Impacts of Automobile Dependency Automobile dependency has various impacts that affect economic development.6 These are summarized below and some are discussed in detail later in this paper. 1. Increased Mobility And Convenience For Motorists Automobile dependency directly benefits vehicle users: favorable pricing, investment, facilitydesign, parking and land use practices make driving relatively fast, convenient and affordable. It also allows businesses to use more centralized distribution systems and Just-In-Time production, and to access a wider range of possible employees and customers, which can cause certain types of agglomeration efficiencies, such as large retail centers. These savings and efficiencies can increase economic development if they increase the productivity of local industries. These productivity benefits are separate and in addition to consumer benefits from increased mobility. However, not all increased vehicle use by producers represents increased productivity. As discussed later in this paper, automobile dependent transportation systems and land use patterns require more travel to provide a given level of services. 汽车依赖性对经济发展有着多方面的影响,概括起来主要是以下几点,在后文中我将对其进行详细的讨论和分析。 (一)对于汽车使用者而言,出行更为便捷 汽车依赖性首先造福的是那些汽车的拥有者:合适的价格、投资、配件设计、停车场和土地使用方式的变化使得驾车变成更为快捷、舒适、方便的出行选择。同时,这也使得商业活动更加聚集,使得企业能够在更大地理范围得到潜在雇员和顾客,例如大型零售消费中心。由此得来的收入可以通过促进当地工业的生产力来促进经济发展。 通过增加流动性而得到的收益增加是脱离于消费者收益的,也就是增加的部分。当然,并不是所有的汽车使用增加都能够使得生产力得到增加,正如后文将要讨论的那样,交通状况和土地使用方式都是关键的影响因素。 还有一个: [中英译文-外文资料]美国汽车产业中的新兴企业能力与创新(节选) The capabilities of new firms and the evolution of the US automobile industry http://www.maomaoxue.com/soft/sort06/sort015/Information-423.html 我尽力了,能找到的都在这里了。如果能帮到你,要加分哦。