时间:2024-08-17 12:56:31
能源危机英语文章【专家解说】:ENVIROMENT The environment means surroundings in which people, animals and
The environment means surroundings in which people, animals and plants develop and exist. Ecology is a branch of biology which investigate relationships between living beings and their environment
The most serious ecological problems of today are the pollution of air, water and soil, the destruction of ecosystem, disappearance of many species of animals and plants, the weather changes, acid rains, the warming up of the Earth抯 surface, the destruction of tropical rain forests and the breaking of the ozone layer. These damages are caused by the man himself and his technical progress.
Pollution: We need air to breathe, water to drink and food to eat, but there is a growing number of people in the Earth so that we have to share these everything with more people. The growing number of cars contribute much to the air pollution. Factories produce a large amount of carbon dioxide, lead poisons etc. which get into the air. Some of them in combination with water make sulfuric acid in the clouds, it later falls as acid rain which kills trees and make soil infertile. factories also pollute rivers because they put there their chemical waste. Also farmers pollute the soil using a lot of pesticides and fertilizers. This pollution can also poison groundwater. I think that the best way how to reduce pollution is reducing, reusing and recycling.
Greenhouse effect: In the last 100yars the Earth抯 surface has warmed up by more than half a degree, this change could cause rising the sea levels by up to one and half meters by the year 2030. The Greenhouse effect is caused by polluted atmosphere which was polluted by carbon dioxide from fossil fuels and chlorofluorocarbons.
The best protection is to stop producing these gases and destroying rain forests. It is worth replacing old power plants with nuclear power which reduce the damage. Also nuclear power has its disadvantages, in this case there a e alternative sources of energy : hydropower, solar power, geothermal etc.
Ozone Hole: The ozone gap is thinning at a rapid speed. It is a layer which protect us from dangerous UV rays, these could damage the life on the Eart
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