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上海哪里有卖英语《2010年上海高考零距离突破测试卷集----基础知识同步训练及阶段实践综合测试卷集 A版(原子能出版社)

时间:2024-08-17 10:08:28

上海哪里有卖英语《2010年上海高考零距离突破测试卷集----基础知识同步训练及阶段实践综合测试卷集 A版(原子能出版社)【专家解说】:( A)12.Lisa was suppos

【专家解说】:( A)12.Lisa was supposed her homework before nine o'clock. But she couldn't. A. to finish B. to finishing C. finish D. finishing (A )13.He ___________ know where her house is.  A. maybe B. may be C. may D. must be ( C)14. He doesn’t have any money, ____________.   A. too  B. also   C. either   D. neither ( B)15.I finished my __________ exams last week. A. end of year  B. end-of-year C. year-of-end D. year-end (A )16.If you bring snacks to the party, the teachers will ___________.  A. take it away   B. take them away  C. take away it   D. take away them ( A)17.Don’t get on or off the bus ______ it stops. A. when B. if C. as soon as D. until ( d)18.Poor families don’t often have money _________ education. A. at   B. by   C. of    D. for (A )19.----What do you think of___ film? ----Oh, it is__ wonderful film. In fact, it’s one of___ best films I’ve ever seen. A. the ; a; the B a; a; the C. the; the; the D .the; a; 不填 ( C)20.Farmers don’ t use animals to do farm work ______. A.no more B.much more C.any more D.no longe Do you know Eskimos(爱斯基摩人)? Let me _1__ you something about their life. The Eskimos live near the North Pole(北极). There are only two seasons _2__: winter and summer. There is no spring __3__ autumn there. The winter nights are long. You can't __4__ the sun for more than two months, even at noon. The summer days are long. For more than two months, the sun never _5__ and there is no night. The Eskimos have __6__ clothes. They make their clothes from the skins(皮) of animals. From skins they make coats, caps and __7__. Near the North Pole trees can't grow, for it is _8__ there. The Eskimos __9__ make their houses from skins, stone or snow. When they __10__ in a storm and can't __11__ home, they make houses of snow. They __12__ these snow houses when the storm is _13__. Life is __14__ for the Eskimos, but they still __35__ to live there. 1.A.say B.speak C. talk D. tell 2. A. there B.here C. warm D.cold 3.A.not B.or C.and D.neither 检举 提问人的追问   2009-05-02 11:11 4. A. see B.watch C.look D.look at 5.A.rises B.goes up C.comes up D.goes down 6. A.hot B.cold C.warm D.cool 7. A.food B. drinks C.medicine D.shoes 8. A.too cold B.too hot C.either cold or hot D. neither cold nor hot 9.A.will B.should C.never D.have to 10. A.go out B.go over C.go on D.go up 11.A.get back B.get off C.get on D.get in 12.A.reach B.leave C.lea ve for Dget to 13. A. over B. finished C. e nded D. in the end 14. A. easy B. easily C. hard D. hardly 15. A. enjoy B. like C. wish D. hope
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