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时间:2024-08-18 16:55:16

在飞秒强激光辐照下甲烷团簇膨胀过程中的质子加速(英文)【摘要】:正There has been much activity in studying intensity femto-

【摘要】:正There has been much activity in studying intensity femto-second laser pulses interactions with atomic and molecular clusters,which can generating energetic particles to drive nuclear fusion.The experiments have been carried out to investigate the interaction of high-intensity femto-second laser pulses with hydrogen and methane clusters.The maximum energy E_max of the protons produced is proportional to r_c~2,where r_c is the cluster size.The interactions of a intense laser with the hydrogen and methane clusters revealed that the clusters were Coulomb exploded and the maximum proton energy from the Coulomb explosion of the intense laser irradiated nanometer sized methane clusters is almost twice as large as that from the hydrogen clusters,which demonstrates that large methane clusters are a promising laser target in this regard.The detailed comparison of the proton energies from explosions of hydrogen and methane clusters presents confirmation of proton energy enhancement in methane clusters which theoretically predicted by Last and Jortner. 【作者单位】:中国科学院上海光学精密机械研究所强场激光物理国家重点实验室 中国科学院上海光学精密机械研究所强场激光物理国家重点实验室 中国科学院上海光学精密机械研究所强场激光物理国家重点实验室 中国科学院上海光学精密机械研究所强场激光物理国家重点实验室 中国科学院上海光学精密机械研究所强场激光物理国家重点实验室 中国科学院上海光学精密机械研究所强场激光物理国家重点实验室
【关键词】:甲烷团簇 质子加速 飞秒强激光
【基金】:the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.10535070).
【正文快照】: In reeent years,the interaction of clusters with intensity ultn巧hort laser has attracted g已时atteniion.The most faseinating eharacteristies in this unique interaction are the observations of high chaxges公吐es and very ene唱etie ions[l一3].The latter


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短脉冲强激光打靶产生的质子角分布实验研究    朱托;杨家敏;王哲斌;赵阳;张继彦;胡智民;丁耀南;

不同激光偏振态下质子加速能谱研究    王剑;

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在飞秒强激光辐照下甲烷团簇膨胀过程中的质子加速(英文)    王成;卢海洋;陈光龙;倪国权;李儒新;徐至展;

特殊构型靶对激光质子加速特性的影响    李蒙

强激光等离子体质子加速的理论研究    尤丽兵
