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时间:2024-08-20 12:23:11

節能散熱涼爽複合母粒之製作與熱性質研究測試【摘要】:In this paper,the inorganic cooling powders(ICP)were added at th

【摘要】:In this paper,the inorganic cooling powders(ICP)were added at the chemosynthesis of Polyethylene Terephthalate(PET)to modify the thermal properties of conventional PET polyester.For synthesis,the industrialized processes of polyester-direct esterification method was adopted.The added amounts of ICPs were from 1 to 10 wt%to prepare PET/ICP master batch(MB).Such ICP fillers were expected to enhance the coolness value of PET products.was applied to synthesize all kinds of PET/ICP MB which contained different weight percentages of ICPs as 0,1, 3,5 and 10.Those chemical structures,thermal properties,mechanical properties and the variation of functional performance were studied.The chemical structures of PET/ ICP MB were investigated by FT-IR spectrum,it was found that neither new functional group was made nor phenomenon of displacement was happened in this study.The SEM was used to observe the morphology of PET/ICP MB and also its results were utilized to determine the dispersibility of ICPs. 【作者单位】:逢甲大學纖維與複合材料學系暨研究所 逢甲大學
【正文快照】: Abstract In this paper,the inorganic cooling powders(ICP)were added at the chemosynthesis of Polyethylene Terephthalate(PET)to modify the thermal properties of conventional PET polyester.For synthesis,the industrialized processes of polyester-direct este


節能散熱涼爽複合母粒之製作與熱性質研究測試    鄭國彬;郭雅甄;嚴川棋;

Microwave-assisted Synthesis and Surface Modification of ZnO Nanoparticles    

乳液静电纺纤维素晶体增强聚乳酸纳米纤维(英文)    万玉芹;高卫东;李英杰;Frank Ko;

脂肪族酯-半芳香族酰胺共聚物的制备    孙加明;罗明;姚臻;曹堃;

单壁碳纳米管直接引发自由基聚合    陈宏伟;陈立桅;

单分散NaYF_4纳米晶的可控制备与上转换发光    邓明亮;涂妮娜;汪乐余;

一步合成表面羧基官能化的α-Fe_2O_3纳米颗粒及其表征    夏英静;殷乐;翟小杰;徐健;

熔融酯交换制备可生物降解共聚酯和抗菌性聚酯及其纳米复合材料    谈利承

FRCR/LS纳米复合材料的制备、结构、性能及分散行为    孔振兴

天然纤维复合材料用偶联剂    张程锦

纳米二氧化硅的分散与表面改性    王鹏程

碳纳米管/高分子液晶复合材料的合成与表征    崔振凯

纳米抗菌纤维针织产品服用性能研究与产品开发    孙敏

可生物降解的聚酯基纳米复合材料的制备与性能研究    乌艳

两种生物降解脂肪族聚酯/多壁碳纳米管复合材料的制备、形态和结晶行为研究    朱思彧

液晶聚合物/碳基材料纳米复合材料的制备及其性能研究    胡五全

聚3-羟基丁酸酯/石墨烯纳米复合材料的制备与结晶行为    景向津
