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时间:2024-08-19 04:37:00

微生物对弱化地球变暖的意义的初步报告(英文)【摘要】:正Microbiotic organisms are referring to the lichens,algae,cyano

【摘要】:正Microbiotic organisms are referring to the lichens,algae,cyanobactia and bryophytes. Such organisms are distributed everywhere on the hard surface of the world,including the polars, boreals,tropicals.In addition,they are usually dominant organisms of deserts,including the tropical desert,mid-latitude desert,and cold desert.The desert can be divided into rock desert, stone desert,and sandy desert. 【作者单位】:Key Lab of Mycology and Lichenology Institute of microbiology,Chinese academy of Sciences
【正文快照】: The mierobiotie organisms have well sand and earbon fixation.Some of the lichens containing eyanobacterium as Photosynthetie Partner have also nitrogen fixation as well.The sand,earbon and nitrogen fixation of the desert mierobiotie organisms attaeh an



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    Ahmad Kamal
