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时间:2024-08-18 13:35:21

黄河源区近期气候暖湿化的考证及其水文影响(英文)【摘要】:Climate change investigation at a watershed-scale plays a sig

【摘要】:Climate change investigation at a watershed-scale plays a significant role in revealing the historical evolution and future trend of the runoff variation in watershed. This study examines the multisource hydrological and meteorological variables over the source area of the Yellow River(SAYR) from 1961 to 2012 and the future climate scenarios in the region during 2006–2100 based on the CMIP5 projection data. It recognizes the significant characteristics of the recent climate change in the SAYR and predicts the change trend of future flow in the region. It is found that(1) The climate in the SAYR has experienced a significant warm-wet change since the early 2000 s, which is very different from the antecedent warm-dry trend since the late 1980s;(2) The warm-wet trend in the northwestern SAYR(the headwater area of the Yellow River(HAYR), is more obvious than that in the whole SAYR;(3) With precipitation increase, the runoff in the region also experienced an increasing process since 2006. The runoff variations in the region are sensitive to the changes of precipitation, PET and maximum air temperature, but not very sensitive to changes in mean and minimum air temperatures;(4) based on the CMIP5 projection data, the warm-wet climate trend in SAYR are likely to continue until 2049 if considering three different(i.e. RCP2.6, RCP4.5 and RCP8.5) greenhouse gas emission scenarios, and the precipitation in SAYR will not be less than the current level before 2100; however, it is estimated that the recent flow increase in the SAYR is likely to be the decadal change and it will at most continue until the 2020s;(5) The inter-annual variations of the East Asian winter monsoon are found to be closely related to the variations of annual precipitation in the region. Meanwhile, the increased precipitation as well as the increase of potential evapotranspiration(PET) being far less than that of precipitation in the recent period are the main climate causes for the flow increase in the region. 【作者单位】: Key
【关键词】source area of the Yellow River(SAYR) climate warming and wetting decadal scale hydrological impacts
【基金】:The Key Deployment Project of the Chinese Academy of Sciences,No.Y322G73001 National Natural Science Foundation of China,No.91225302,No.91437217,No.41375022,No.41175027
【正文快照】: 1 IntroductionOver the past several decades,climate changes have resulted in the notable changes in hy-drological processes in many basins globally,especially a series of water resources problemsin different regions(Zhang et al.,2001;Li et al.,2007).At t


黄河上游气候变化对地表水的影响    李林,汪青春,张国胜,伏洋,颜亮东

黄河源区地表水资源变化及其影响因子    常国刚;李林;朱西德;王振宇;肖建设;李凤霞;

一个新的季风指数和全球季风的地理分布(英)    李建平,曾庆存

Changes in terrestrial surface dry and wet conditions on the Loess Plateau(China) during the last half century    

东亚夏季风指数的年际变化与东亚大气环流    张庆云,陶诗言,陈烈庭

Long-Term Trend and Abrupt Change for Major Climate Variables in the Upper Yellow River Basin    赵芳芳;徐宗学;黄俊雄;

An Index of East Asian Winter Monsoon Applied to the Description of China's Mainland Winter Temperature Changes    朱艳峰;

东亚冬季风的变化与中国气温异常的关系    郭其蕴

黄河源区径流对气候变化的响应及未来趋势(英文)    李林;申红艳;戴升;肖建设;时兴合;

近111年来东亚夏季风的变异及其与中国降水的关系    杨浩;智协飞;高洁;

山东省近45年日照时空变化特征分析    王忠云;魏荣源;宁波;

Predicting Winter Surface Air Temperature in Northeast China    

A Statistical Scheme for the Seasonal Forecasting of North China's Surface Air Temperature during Winter    

Summer Monsoon Impacts on Chlorophyll-a Concentration in the Middle of the South China Sea:Climatological Mean and Annual Variability    

The Relationship between Precipitation and Airflow over the Tibetan Plateau in Boreal Summer    

Low- and Mid-High Latitude Components of the East Asian Winter Monsoon and Their Reflecting Variations in Winter Climate over Eastern China    

1950-2003年太湖流域洪旱灾害变化与东亚夏季风的关系    尹义星;许有鹏;陈莹;

青海高原中、东部多年冻土及寒区环境退化    罗栋梁;金会军;林琳;何瑞霞;杨思忠;常晓丽;

气象学研究的最新进展    谭本馗,刘式适,钱维宏,张庆红,王绍武

Moisture Transport in the Asian Summer Monsoon Region and Its Relationship with Summer Precipitation in China    周晓霞;丁一汇;王盘兴;

Natural and anthropogenic impacts on the Asian monsoon precipitation during the 20th century    

近百年来自然和人为因素对亚洲季风降水影响的时间序列分析研究    周鑫;郭正堂;秦利;

近50年中国冬季气温变化特征及其与东亚冬季风的关系    朱艳峰;

东亚副热带夏季风指数研究    琚建华;钱诚;曹杰;

成都市近50年城市气候年代际变化及热岛效应    郝丽萍;李子良;刘泽全;方之芳;何金海;

南半球环流异常与长江中下游夏季旱涝的关系    范可;

东亚夏季西风急流变化与中国夏季降水的相关分析    刘飞;何金海;董国青;

对流层上层副热带西风急流与东亚冬季风的关系研究    况雪源;张耀存;

风向变化研究及其在季风模拟评估中的应用    张丽;李建平;

东亚夏季风雨带进退与西太副高活动、降水年代际变化及江苏气候若干问题    俞亚勋

孟加拉湾夏季风爆发过程的海气相互作用研究    蒋兴文

土卫六与地球大气对比的数值模拟研究    刘冬

小兴安岭森林流域气候和覆被变化对河川径流的影响    姚月锋

青藏高原大气热源结构特征及其对中国降水的影响    钟珊珊

东亚夏季风年代际变化的波包传播特征及其影响研究    肖天贵

华北降水时空变化及降水量减少影响因子研究    郝立生

近千年东亚夏季风的演变与中国东部旱涝分布    李茜

贵州董哥洞近1000年石笋纹层年代学与同位素气候重建    赵侃

江淮下游典型平原水网地区水循环变异的洪涝响应研究    叶正伟

热带印度洋热含量变异及其对我国旱涝的影响研究    黄科

热带季风、海陆热力差异在东亚副热带季风中的作用    靳莉君

BCC-AGCM2.0.1模式对东亚地区冬季气候模拟能力的评估    吴蓉

影响东亚夏季风的春季海陆热力关键区的年代际变化    郑旭程

冬季冰岛低压一组环流指数在气候研究中的应用    洪芳玲

华北地区热量资源变化特征及与海陆气压指数关系的分析    项连东

南方冰雪灾害天气大气环流异常分析    王林

黑河莺落峡站水沙变化规律及其影响因素研究    杨明金

东北地区冬季气温异常的时空变化特征及其与热带印度洋海温异常的关系    杨素英

东海北部温盐年际—年代际变化及其成因初探    唐晓晖

黄河源区多年冻土退化及其环境反映    张森琦,王永贵,赵永真,黄勇,李永国,石维栋,尚小刚

气候变暖情景下黄河上游径流的可能变化    蓝永超,丁永建,朱云通,马建华,魏智

青海高原冻土退化的若干事实揭示    李林,朱西德,汪青春,王振宇

玛曲气候变化对生态环境的影响    王素萍;宋连春;韩永翔;冯建英;

黄河天然径流量变化趋势及其影响分析    李春晖;郑小康;杨志峰;庞爱萍;沈楠;

东亚夏季风强度指数及其变化的分析    郭其蕴

黄河上游气候变化对地表水的影响    李林,汪青春,张国胜,伏洋,颜亮东

The Influence of Vegetation Cover on Summer Precipitation in China: a Statistical Analysis of NDVI and Climate Data    张井勇,董文杰,符淙斌,吴凌云

中国干旱和半干旱带的10年际演变特征    马柱国,符淙斌

我国北方干湿演变规律及其与区域增暖的可能联系    马柱国;

Characteristics of the Nujiang River runoff for a long term and its response to climate change    

Possible change on the runoff in the upper Yellow River basin under global climate change    

Climate transformation to warm-humid and its effect on river runoff in the source region of the Yellow River    YongChao Lan;HuiJun Jin;ChengFang La;Jun Wen;Jie Song;JinPeng Liu;

Sensitivity of mountain runoff to climate change for Urumqi and Kaidu rivers originating from the Tianshan Mountains    

Climate Change and Its Effects on Runoff of Kaidu River, Xinjiang, China:A Multiple Time-scale Analysis    

Hydrological daily rainfall-runoff simulation with BTOPMC model and comparison with Xin'anjiang model    


Responses of River Runoff to Climate Change based on Nonlinear Mixed Regression Model in Chaohe River Basin of Hebei Province, China    

Modeling on runoff concentration caused by rainfall on hillslopes and application in Maoping slope    

Isotopic evidence for the moisture origin and composition of surface runoff in the headwaters of the Heihe River basin    

Impact of Climate Change on Water Resources in the Yellow River Basin    
